
Kandachanashan was born into the renowned Pazampilly family in Ayyampilly, located on Vypin Kara. The child of Kandu and his wife Parukutty was named Kandachan at the Pazampilly family home. This ancient family was well-known for their devotion to Dharma Deity worship, as well as their expertise in medicine and astrology.

Kandachchan was exceptionally attentive and talented in his studies from a young age. Driven by the desire to surpass any scholar, he dedicated himself to reading and studying day and night, earning acclaim among the scholarly community. 

By focusing intently on Tarka-Vyakaranadi texts, the scholars of Kodungallur Kovilaka attained unparalleled expertise in the Vedas, Vedanta, medicine, astrology, architecture, and tantra.

A large number of students approached Aasan, who taught them in a Pathasala, earning him the name Kachchanaasan. 

Asan sought out and found Brahmashri Kunjanpillai Chattambi Swamy, a great guru, to clear his doubts about Vedic and Vedantic principles.

Chattambiswamy, impressed by Kandachan's diverse scholarship, named Aasan "Sreekandan ," signifying that Sree (Prosperity) is always present in Kanda (throat).

Through his close association with Chattambi Swami, Asan became proficient in Vedanta Shastras, Hatha Yoga, and many other esoteric subjects. During this period, Asan also came into contact with Sree Narayana Gurudev.

Asan worked diligently on the affairs of the Cherai Vijnana Vardini Sabha and the construction of the Gauriswara Temple.